When you register your employer account on Job Today, for free you can:
🚀 Post a vacancy
Receive applications to your job, screen, and shortlist candidates
Set up your screening questions to filter out the most relevant candidates for your job
Receive recommendations for candidates with a suitable profile
Get access to our database of more than 10 Million candidates and search for people matching your requirements
You’ll need to get one of our subscriptions, so you could also:
Chat with candidates, make a video call or call them straight away
Post as many jobs as you require.
With your subscription, you'll be able to contact a number of candidates - depending on your plan - every 30 days.
(1 contact = 1 chat, 1 video call or 1 phone number unveiled)
E.g: If you start a 30-day subscription on the 8th of the current month, you will get the same amount of contacts every month, on the 8th of the following month.
Please keep in mind that our subscriptions renew automatically, but you are free to cancel your subscription at any time, even from DAY ONE! And you will still benefit for the entire period you have purchased!
Do you require more information about our subscriptions and pricing? We’ll be thrilled to help! Please, get in touch!